When my class first started learning about social media at the beginning of this term, our professor, Tiffany Derville, mentioned Twitter.
Twitter is a social media site designed to allow members to answer the question, "What are you doing?" by posting short status updates. On the site you can subscribe to "follow" someone and watch them as update their status. Other than being "followed" and "following" people, I wasn't really sure what else you can do. At first, I thought it was completely pointless. With Facebook and MySpace both featuring a status update application, why on earth would I need a site completely devoted to announcing: "miss horley is tired!" or "miss horley has a case of the mondays!"? And realistically, if someone wants to know what I am up to can't they call me, text me or e-mail me?
Anyway, I never took the time to check it out, it seemed really silly to be constantly updating what I was doing all day for the whole world to see.
But then all of a sudden -- it hit me. The "Twitter bug". Two weeks ago I started playing around with the Web site and began to feel comfortable "tweeting" with my followers.
So now Twitter doesn't seem so silly and pointless. I realized that it's not necessarily about whether you are posting to your blog or updating Twitter, but rather it's about creating conversations and connecting with others.
My Twitter Page
Hi Katie,
I think that you hit the nail on the head when you said that Twitter was about "creating conversations and connecting with others." I wrote a blog post a couple weeks back on the same thing: http://thinkwritenow.wordpress.com/2008/10/15/tweet-tweet-its-twitter-time/
It took some time to get used to using Twitter as a PR tool, but I'm now pretty Twitter savvy. I love going onto Twitter and finding out breaking news on other people's tweets. I also feel like I get alternative news from my Twitter friends that I may have never found by myself. Great blog, keep up the good work!
-Niki I.
It seems writing about Twitter is popular in our class!
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