This week I created my first podcast! At first I thought that it would be an easy assignment, but once I finally got down to recording my material I got a little nervous.
I knew what I was going to say. I had my notes ready. I practiced more than I needed to. But when it came time to press record: I froze. Suddenly I couldn't talk for more than 15 seconds without getting my words mixed up or just forgetting what I was trying to say altogether. Luckily, after 75 takes I was able to dismiss my bashfulness and record into the mic like a pro.
Outside of the classroom, the only experience I have had with podcasts was listening to NPR's "Car Talk" while doing homework. (So to say I am an expert in clearly an understatement.)
I decided to record my podcast on social media measurement. My goal for it was to allow fellow bloggers to learn and explore how to find out who is reading your blog and why it is important.
The World of PR According to Miss Horley
Who’s reading your blog?
(Social Media Measurement)
Introduction :0-:45
Why monitor? :45-1:18
Overview of metrics 1:18-4:56
Conclusion 4:56-5:46
Next week 5:47-6:14
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